Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, 8:45 pm Update

What an absolutely exhausting day!!! We arrived at the imaging center at 9:00 this morning. They took Steve in right away and did his PET scan first and then his CT scan. He finished there at about 11:30 and since his doctors appointement wasn't until 1:45 we decided to get some lunch. We went to a little Italian restaurant in Crestline Village which was fabulous. Right after finishing lunch Uncle Paul and Aunt Bo called and we met them for coffee at Starbucks. At last it was time to see the doctor!!! Now for the frustrating part.....! The night before a PET scan the patient is not supposed to have any carbs. Since Steve receives his TPN at night and it is full of carbs I called the imaging center on Monday and asked if I should skip the TPN on Monday night so that it wouldn't mess up the test. They said "NO". Give him his TPN as directed, it won't make a difference. WRONG!!! The test came back inconclusive so now we have to wait until Steve is off the TPN and repeat the tests in a couple of weeks. We didn't get home until after 3:00 this afternoon and needless to say Steve is not happy with having to go through this all over again. Please continue to pray for us.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, 4:15 Update

Hey Yall! Sorry.... I don't know what happened to the last blog. I just got a notice saying my last blog didn't go through. I sent it on Thursday and this is Monday (they're just now telling me?!?) Anyway, Steve is OK. Recovery is still slow and there's still alot of questions as to what he can and cannot eat. Some things upset his stomach so right now we're trying to figure out what agrees with him. He's still on the TPN 12 hours in the evening. We go in the morning for a PET scan and a CT scan. After that we see the doctor. I'f we're not too exhausted after spending the whole day at the doctors office I'll update you tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday, 3:00 pm Update

I know I haven't posted anything in several days but there really hasn't been anything to post. Thankfully, Steve continues to get stronger every day. His eating has improved. Though he still has to eat small portions his appetite has increased. He has been on his TPN for only 12 hours a day this past week. We see the nutritionist tomorrow and hopefully he will take him off the TPN for this upcoming week. If he does well they will pull the PIC line next week and Steve will be a free man!!!! Please pray that all goes well.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday, 11:00 pm Update

Just when you think everything is great....WHAM....something else knocks you for a loop. Yesterday, after I posted the last blog, Steve said, "please take my temperature." I did and from out of nowhere came a fever of 101.5. I called the surgeon who put Steve on oral antibiotics. Something told me to call the nurtritionist and I'm glad I did. He was very alarmed and immediately called Lincare and ordered IV antibiotics. Steve did not receive his first dose until around 9:00 last night and by then his fever was 102.7. Needless to say he was pretty miserable, not to mention the fact that the oral antibiotics had upset his stomach pretty bad. Somewhere around midnight Steve's fever broke and it hasn't risen above 99.5 since then. He has to have the IV antibiotics twice a day for the next 5 or 6 days but he is feeling much better so I thank God for the PIC line. Without it we would be back in the hospital for at least a week. Kay and Stewart came over tonight with steak and potatoes which Steve thoroughly enjoyed and for dessert he had CHOCOLATE MOUSSE BOMBS!!! They have amazing healing qualities. Thanks Kay!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, 3:00 pm update

Well... we just got home from visiting the surgeon and..... THE G TUBE IS OUT!!!!!
Thank God it was removed with no problems. Steve was a little nervous but he would never admit it! He will have a CT scan and a PET scan on the morning of August 26 and then we will see Dr. Thompson later that afternoon. These tests will tell us if Steve has to have radiation. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now we're celebrating jumping over today's hurdle. Yea!!!! Good news 2 days in a row!!!!! Thank you Lord!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, 3:00 pm Update

Hey Everybody!!! Bet you thought I forgot all about posting Steve's updates. Well, I didn't forget --- there just wasn't anything to post. But today I have some really good news!!! We went to see the nutritionist and he is going to cut Steve's TPN down from 24 hours a day to 12 hours. This means he will only have to be attached to it at night so he will be a free man during most of his waking hours. YAHOO!!!!!! This means more outings and more exercise. Right now we are working on building up strength and stamina. Steve wants to go walk around Brookwood Mall where it's nice and cool. My guess is he's really thinking about cookies and a smoothie from the Cookie Company. Kay, if you're still reading this blog the word for today is Mousse Bombs! I think he's ready! Norma, your secret word is bread pudding. Tomorrow we go to the surgeon's office. I'm hoping he will remove the G tube from Steve's stomach. I'll let you know tomorrow. Please keep the prayers coming --- they are very thankfully WORKING.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, 11:00 pm Update

More Good News!! Steve went to see his nutritionist today and he was very pleased with Steve's progress!!! He was impressed with how much better his vital signs were, his coloring and his energy level. He wants us to continue doing everything the same for the next week and see him again on Monday. We will also see the surgeon next week. Hopefully Steve will be at a point in his recovery where the doctor will remove the tube from his stomach. I really don't think it will be much longer and Steve will be able to eat just about anything he wants to -- at least that's one of the things we're praying for.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, 9:30 pm Update

OK - are you ready for this?!? THREE GOOD DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!!! I'm so excited I don't know how to act!! Steve started the day with oatmeal and juice. For lunch the Smoothie King picked him up and once again they were off in search of just the right smoothie. But the best is ..... for supper Steve ate a baked potato with sour cream and butter and it didn't upset his stomach!!!!! He said "he feels almost human." Tomorrow morning Lincare will come and draw his blood and then we see the nutrition doctor in the afternoon. We are praying for a good report.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday 10:30 pm Update

ANOTHER GOOD DAY!!!! Actually, the best day yet!!!!! Steve has been able to eat some soft, solid foods today with no nausea and his energy level is really getting much better. Thank God, he seems to be improving steadily. He even went for a ride today to get a smoothie, thanks to Gary O. I really think we're on the right road now! Lord, we give you thanks!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, 1:00 pm Update

Yea! Yea! Yea! A good day!!!!! As I told you yesterday, Steve was feeling pretty yucky. He had very little by mouth all day Thursday but after a good night sleep he is much better today. He was taking a medicene called Reglan that is supposed to help his stomach empty but since he was staying hooked up to his gastric bag everytime he would take a pill it would empty right into the bag. Not much help there!!!! I called the doctor and Steve is now receiving the Reglan directly into his PIC line which is much more effective. Hopefully we are now on the upswing. After this is all over I'm going to get my nursing degree ----NOT!