Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday, 10:30 pm Update

OK now... I've got alot to tell you and it's late, so if I ramble and make mistakes please forgive me. Steve's back in the hospital. I better start at the beginning. Thursday night Steve asked me for a Tylenol pm to help him sleep. He wanted to take two but I only let him have one because I know how most medications effect him. He slept well but the next morning he was so lethargic I could barely get him to get out of bed to eat breakfast. He never really got better Friday buy I thought it was just the Tylenol. Later that afternoon he started running a low grade fever which he had through the night. Saturday morning was a repeat of Friday with the lethargy and lack of appetite. I took Steve's temperature on Saturday late morning - it was 103.3. I called the doctor and he said to get Steve to the ER right away. I did as instructed and after spending all afternoon in the hospital we were sent home with the diagnosis of a possible viral infection. Well Steve had fever off and on the rest of the night and we had a repeat performance Sunday morning. By 3:00 Sunday afternoon Steve's fever was 104. This time the doctor said to pack his suitcase and have him at the hospital pronto. So that's where we are now. They are running all kind of blood cultures and other tests. We have to find out where the infection is and most importantly we have to make sure there is no infection in his portacath (especially since all of this started after the first chemo treatment). We are hopeful that this hospital stay will only last a couple of days. When Steve was first diagnosed two and half years ago a good friend of mine wrote something on a scrap of paper. I have saved that little piece of paper and refer to it often. It reads, "Jesus did not come to remove pain and suffering. He came to fill it with His presence." Lord, we rely on you for strength!!

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