Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday, 11:00 pm update

Tonight I have better news than I did this morning. Steve is responding to the antibiotic!!!!!!! They did a CT scan on him around 1:00 today. It showed no signs of infection in either his abdomen or his chest. The infectious disease doctor met with us this afternoon and said that after eliminating all other suspicions he concludes that the infection either started in his PIC line or his port. His port was used for the first time in a year and a half last Wednesday when they gave him his chemo treatment, and his PIC line was pulled on the same morning. It is impossible to tell which site is the culprit. The important thing is that we know what kind of bacteria is growing and what antibiotic to treat Steve with. After having received two bags of antibiotic Steve's temperature is normal and he has had no more shaking attacks. They will draw more blood cultures in the morning and if all goes as expected and Steve continues to improve the doctor is talking about letting him go home either Thursday or Friday. Please keep the prayers coming....they are working!!!!

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