Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, 9:00 pm Update

Steve started his chemotherapy yesterday. He was given an infusion which lasted about an hour. He will have to have this repeated every three weeks. He will also take a pill twice a day for the next 14 days, he will stop taking them for 7 days and then will take them again for another 14 days. He will continue with this routine until the tumors start to shrink and hopefully disappear. So far he has had no side effects. Oh, I almost forgot....more good news - Dr. Harvey pulled Steve's PIC line yesterday. No more TPN......yea!!!!!! His appetite has improved and he is having less and less discomfort when he eats. Thank you, God! Steve is getting stronger and stronger with each day. We went to a wedding last Saturday and believe it or not he got on the dance floor and we danced. I'm really starting to see the old Steve that we all know and love. I am busy once again with wedding plans. January will be here before we know it and there is still so much to do. Thank you God for all our blessings. With your help we will continue along our journey.

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